Since human body is asymmetrical, certain aspects of our environment are the same, regardless of the country or continent where we live. For example, revolving door never rotate clockwise.
Due to the asymmetry of the body we also show dominant movement patterns which may impair motor coordination.
Kick stands are never installed on the right side of the bicycle.
Bo zdecydowanie częściej prowadzimy go idąc po lewej stronie.
That’s because we usually walk on the left while pushing it.
• paraspinal muscle pain in the lumbar region (usually on the right side)
• spinal disc herniation in the lumbar region (usually on the right side)
• lumbar scoliosis (usually with left convexity), thoracic scoliosis (usually with right convexity)
• upper body pain on the right (between the ribs and pelvis) or left side (directly below the ribs)
• hip pain (usually on the right side)
• sacroiliac joint pain
• sciatic pain (usually on the right side)
• pain in the groin (usually on the right side, if present on the left, it may suggest a pathology)
• pain in the tensor fascia lata muscle region (lateral part of the thigh)
• knee pain (if the left knee is affected, it may suggest a pathology)
• pain in the tibia region
• Achilles tendon pain
• plantar aponeurosis pain (usually on the right side)
• shoulder pain
• pain under shoulder blade
• cervical spine pain
• problems with bowel movements, painful menstruation, testicular pain
• bruxism
• excessive teeth attrition (possibly starting from right molars and/or left canines)
• vision disorders